Felix Ernesti Felix Ernesti

M.Sc. Felix Ernesti

  • Former Scientific Employee
  • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
    Kaiserstraße 10
    Gebäude: 10.23
    76131 Karlsruhe

Curriculum Vitae

10/2012-09/2016      Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Engineering Mechanics,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany


Internship in the field of Noise Vibration Harshness (NVH) at Robert Bosch GmbH, Bühl, Germany
09/2015-01/2016      Semester abroad at the Universidad Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain


Bachelor thesis: "Implementation and validation of a finite element code for coupled systems", Institute of Engineering Mechanics, KIT, Germany
10/2016-09/2018      Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Engineering Mathematics,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
04/2018-09/2018      Master thesis: "An FFT-based solver for brittle fracture on heterogeneous microstructures", Institute of Engineering Mechanics, KIT, Germany
10/2018-01/2023    Scientific Employee
Institute of Engineering Mechanics, Chair for Continuum Mechanics
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Germany


Field of Research

Computational Homogenization of fracture

(Numerische Homogenisierung bei Bruch)

Academic Teaching

Please refer to the German page "Lehrveranstaltungen". Thank you.


Bachelor/Master Thesis

Please refer to the German page "Betreuung studentischer Arbeiten". Thank you.


Please refer to the German page "Veröffentlichungen". Thank you.


Please refer to the German page "Vorträge". Thank you.