Prof. Seemann

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Seemann

  • Postanschrift:
    Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
    Institut für Technische Mechanik
    Teilinstitut Dynamik/Mechatronik
    Postfach 6980
    76049 Karlsruhe

    Haus- und Lieferanschrift:
    KIT-Campus Süd
    Institut für Technische Mechanik
    Teilinstitut Dynamik/Mechatronik
    Geb. 10.23, 2.OG
    Kaiserstraße 10
    76131 Karlsruhe

Curriculum vitae

1980 - 1985 Studium Maschinenbau an der Universität Karlsruhe (Diplom mit Auszeichnung)
1991 Promotion (mit Auszeichnung): Wellenausbreitung in rotierenden und statisch konservativ vorbelasteten Zylindern
1987 - 1992 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Technische Mechanik der Universität Karlsruhe
1989 - 1992 Personalrat an der Universität Karlsruhe
1992 - 1992 Mitglied des Fakultätsrats der Fakultät für Maschinenbau an der Universität Karlsruhe
1992 - 1997 Hochschulassistent am Institut für Technische Mechanik der Universität Karlsruhe
1998 - 2003 Professor für Maschinendynamik an der Universität Kaiserslautern
1999 - 2003 Mitglied des Fachbereichsrats des Fachbereichs Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik der Universität Kaiserslautern
2003 - 2022 Professor für Mehrkörperdynamik am Institut für Technische Mechanik der Universität Karlsruhe (ab 2009: KIT)
2007 - 2022 Mitglied des Fakultätsrats der Fakultät für Maschinenbau der Universität Karlsruhe (ab 2009: KIT)
2005 - 2013 Mitglied im Wissenschaftlichen Beirat der Deutsch-Französischen Hochschule
2005 - 2022 Mitglied im Conseil der ENSAM, Zentrum Metz
2008 - 2022 Leiter des Deutsch-Französischen Büros KIT-DeFI
2013 - 2022 Mitglied in der Commission de Recherche der Universität Strasbourg

Supervised doctorate


Arockiarajan, Arunachalakasi:
Computational Modeling of Domain Switching Effects in Piezoceramic Materials – A Micro-Macro Mechanical Approach


Delibas, Bülent:
Rate dependent nonlinear properties of perovskite tetragonal piezoelectric materials using a micromechanical model


Gausmann, Rainer:
Nichtlineares dynamisches Verhalten von piezoelektrischen Stabaktoren bei schwachem elektrischen Feld


Benz, Rüdiger:
Fahrzeugsimulation zur Zuverlässigkeitsabsicherung von karosseriefesten Kfz-Komponente


Dienerowitz, Frank:
Der Helixaktor – Zum Konzept eines vorverwundenen Biegeaktors


Hetzler, Hartmut:
Zur Stabilität von Systemen bewegter Kontinua mit Reibkontakten am Beispiel des Bremsenquietschens


Stelzner, Günther:
Zur Modellierung und Simulation biomechanischer Mehrkörpersysteme


Azarian, Armin:
A new modular framework for automatic diagnosis of fault, symptoms and causes applied to the automotive industry


Simonidis, Christian Alexander:
Methoden zur Analyse und Synthese menschlicher Bewegungen unter Anwendung von Mehrkörpersystemen und Optimierungsverfahren


Weerayuth, Nantawatana:
Dynamik und Kontaktvorgänge bei einem hybriden piezoelektrischen Schwingungsmotor


Boyaci, Aydin:
Zum Stabilitäts- und Bifurkationsverhalten hochtouriger Rotoren in Gleitlagern


Fritz, Felix:
Modellierung von Wälzlagern als generische Maschinenelemente einer Mehrkörpersimulation


Karmazin, Alexander:
Time-efficient Simulation of Surface-excited Guided Lamb Wave Propagation in Composites


Vogt, Heike:
Zum Einfluss von Fahrzeug- und Straßenparametern auf die Ausbildung von Straßenunebenheiten


Yu, Tianyi:
Modellierung der Energiedissipation in Fügestellen im Frequenzbereich auf Basis von Linearisierungsverfahren


Kern, Dominik:
Neuartige Drehgelenke für reibungsarme Mechanismen: Auslegungskriterien und Berechnungsmethoden


Van Buuren, Sietze:
Modeling and simulation of porous journal bearings in multibody systems


Bach, Karolina:
Lineare und nichtlineare Analyse strömungsinduzierter Schwingungen in schlanken elastischen Kanälen


Bauer, Fabian:
Optimierung der Energieeffizienz zweibeiniger Roboter durch elastische Kopplungen


Wiegert, Benedikt:
Nichtlineare Schwingungen von Systemen mit elastohydrodynamischen Linienkontakten


Bellanger, Claudia:
Zur Interaktion des Menschen mit einem nachgiebigen Untergrund bei periodischer und einmaliger Bewegungsform – energetische Aspekte und Verletzungsrisiko


Maier, Daniel:
On the Use of Model Order Reduction Techniques for the Elastohydrodynamic Contact Problem


Baum, Christoph:
Zur Dynamik einfacher Rotoren in aerodynamischen Radialgleitlagern mit Pufferfolie


Kapelke, Simon:
Zur Beeinflussung reibungsbehafteter Systeme mithilfe überlagerter Schwingungen


Klima, Joachim:
Lubricant transport towards tribocontact in capillary surface structures


Schmidt, Jan Henrik:
An efficient solution procedure for elastohydrodynamic contact problems considering structural dynamics


Stump, Oliver:
Ein Beitrag zum Verständnis des Bremsenquietschens beim Fahrtrichtungswechsel


Becker, Kai Uwe:
Dynamisches Verhalten hydrodynamisch gelagerter Rotoren unter Berücksichtigung veränderlicher Lagergeometrien


Burgert, Jens:
On direct and inverse problems related to longitudinal impact of non-uniform elastic rods


Leister, Tim:
Dynamics of Rotors on Refrigerant-Lubricated Gas Foil Bearings


Thermo-mechanische Betrachtung eines Drehgelenks mit trockener Reibung unter axialer Anregung
Keller, S.; Seemann, W.
2022. I. D-A-CH (Ed.), Achte IFToMM D-A-CH Konferenz 2022: 24./25. Februar 2022, Online-Konferenz, Universität Duisburg-Essen. doi:10.17185/duepublico/75424
Dynamics of Rotors on Refrigerant-Lubricated Gas Foil Bearings. PhD dissertation
Leister, T.
2021, March 17. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000130548
Quenching friction‐induced oscillations in multibody‐systems by the use of high‐frequency excitation
Keller, S.; Seemann, W.
2021. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 20 (1), Art.-Nr.: e202000185. doi:10.1002/pamm.202000185
A computationally efficient nonlinear foil air bearing model for fully coupled, transient rotor dynamic investigations
Baum, C.; Hetzler, H.; Schröders, S.; Leister, T.; Seemann, W.
2021. Tribology international, 153, 106434. doi:10.1016/j.triboint.2020.106434
On direct and inverse problems related to longitudinal impact of non-uniform elastic rods. PhD dissertation
Burgert, J.
2020, December 15. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000127593
The normal parameterization and its application to collision detection
Römer, U. J.; Fidlin, A.; Seemann, W.
2020. Mechanism and machine theory, 151, Art.-Nr.: 103906. doi:10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2020.103906
Kontaktdetektion zwischen konvexen Objekten auf Basis der Normalenparameterisierung
Römer, U. J.; Seemann, W.; Fidlin, A.
2020. 6. IFToMM D-A-CH Konferenz 2020 : 27./28. Februar 2020, Campus Technik Lienz. doi:10.17185/duepublico/71212
Modeling and Analysis of Vertical Contact Mode Triboelectric Energy Harvester
Kumar, S.; Kumar, R.; Seemann, W.; Jain, S. C.
2020. Integrated ferroelectrics, 212 (1), 68–80. doi:10.1080/10584587.2020.1819036
Numerical method to determine the inverse solution of two impacting rods of non‐constant cross section
Burgert, J.; Seemann, W.
2019. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 19 (1), Articel: e201900007. doi:10.1002/pamm.201900007
A Thermo-Gas-Dynamic Model for the Bifurcation Analysis of Refrigerant-Lubricated Gas Foil Bearing Rotor Systems
Leister, T.; Bou-Saïd, B.; Seemann, W.
2019, September 2. 46th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology (2019), Lyon, France, September 2–4, 2019
Measuring the wave shape and wave propagation speed of two impacting rods of arbitrary cross section and material
Burgert, J.; Seemann, W.
2019. 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2019 (ICSV26), Montreal, Canada, 7 - 11 July 2019, 199–206, Curran
Bifurcation Analysis of Rotors on Refrigerant-Lubricated Gas Foil Bearings
Leister, T.; Seemann, W.; Bou-Saïd, B.
2019. Proceedings of 13th SIRM: The 13th International Conference on Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Copenhagen, February 13th till 15th, 2019. Ed.: Ilmar Santos, 46–56, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Linear and Nonlinear Stability Analysis of a Fixed Caliper Brake during Forward and Backward Driving
Stump, O.; Nunes, R.; Häsler, K.; Seemann, W.
2019. Journal of vibration and acoustics, 141 (3), Article: 031004. doi:10.1115/1.4042393
A journal bearing with actively modified geometry for extending the parameter-based stability range of rotor-dynamic systems
Becker, K.; Seemann, W.
2019. Open Archives of the 16th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Elsevier
Comparison of a numerical versus an analytical approach to calculate 1D impact problems of non‐uniform cross sections
Burgert, J.; Seemann, W.
2018. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 18 (1), e201800250. doi:10.1002/pamm.201800250
Passive Vibration Control by Frictional Energy Dissipation in Refrigerant-Lubricated Gas Foil Bearing Rotor Systems
Leister, T.; Seemann, W.; Bou-Saïd, B.
2018. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 18 (1), e201800473. doi:10.1002/pamm.201800473
Pneumatic single hit test rig for analysis of the stress wave profile of non-uniform impacting rods
Burgert, J.; Seemann, W.; Moilanen, C.; Montonen, J.; Miettinen, J.; Saarenrinne, P.
2018. Proceedings of ISMA2018, International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering/USD2018, International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics : Leuven, Belgium, 17 - 19 September, 2018. Ed.: W. Desmet, 3535–3547, KU Leuven
Modeling and Simulation of Refrigerant-Lubricated Gas Foil Bearings
Leister, T.; Seemann, W.; Bou-Saïd, B.
2018. German-French-Moroccan Summer School Tribology Today (2018), Marrakesh, Morocco, April 8–14, 2018
Modeling of wave propagation for condition monitoring: Effect of particular qualities of PZT actuation
Kirillova, E. V.; Seemann, W.; Shevtsova, M. S.
2018. International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications, 7 (4), 152–158. doi:10.18178/ijeetc.7.4.152-158
Ein Beitrag zum Verständnis des Bremsenquietschens beim Fahrtrichtungswechsel. PhD dissertation
Stump, O.
2018. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000084970
Modeling of contact stresses for condition monitoring using finite-element method and semi-analytical approach
Kirillova, E. V.; Seemann, W. E.; Shevtsova, M. S.
2018. Advanced Materials : Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2017. Ed.: I. Parinov, 439–449, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-78919-4_33
Zur Dynamik einfacher Rotoren in aerodynamischen Radialgleitlagern mit Pufferfolie. PhD dissertation
Baum, C.
2018. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000081337
Computational Analysis of Foil Air Journal Bearings Using a Runtime-Efficient Segmented Foil Model
Leister, T.; Baum, C.; Seemann, W.
2018. Journal of fluids engineering, 140 (2), Art.Nr. 021115. doi:10.1115/1.4037985
Simulation of Refrigerant-Lubricated Gas Foil Bearings
Leister, T.; Bou-Saïd, B.; Seemann, W.
2017. 44th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology (2017), Lyon, France, September 4–6, 2017
An Overview of Challenges and Opportunities in the Modeling and Simulation of Refrigerant-Lubricated Gas Foil Bearings
Leister, T.; Bou-Saïd, B.; Seemann, W.
2017. 2nd African Congress in Tribology (2017), Marrakesh, Morocco, April 16–19, 2017
A Minimal Dynamic Structure Model Considering Dry Friction Energy Dissipation in Refrigerant-Lubricated Gas Foil Bearings
Leister, T.; Bard, S.; Seemann, W.
2017. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 17 (1, SI), 377–378. doi:10.1002/pamm.201710158
Comparison of the original and the spectral system of an elastic rotor in two-lobe bearings with an active geometry variation
Becker, K.; Seemann, W.
2017. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 17 (1, SI), 363–364. doi:10.1002/pamm.201710151
Optimization of the piston geometry to generate a desired stress wave shape
Burgert, J.; Seemann, W.; Hartenbach, F.
2017. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 17 (1, SI), 675–676. doi:10.1002/pamm.201710306
Investigation of Vibrations Induced by Dry Friction in a Pin-on-Disk Experimental Set-up
Kapelke, S.; Oestringer, L. J.; Seemann, W.
2017. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 17 (1), 375–376. doi:10.1002/pamm.201710157
Recent Advances in Modeling and Simulation of Rotors in Oil Film Bearings
Seemann, W.; Boyaci, A.; Becker, K. U.
2017. Proceedings of the 2nd African Congress in Tribology. A joint event with the Third Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Biomedicine (ACT2017 - EMC3B), Marrakesh, MA, April 16-19, 2017
On the influence of contact compliance and stiction on vibrational smoothing of dry friction
Kapelke, S.; Seemann, W.
2017. 9th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC 2017), Budapest, H, June 25-30.2017. Ed.: G. Stépán, ID 86, Congressline Ltd
Stability investigations of an elastic rotor supported by actively deformed journal bearings considering the associated spectral system
Becker, K.; Seemann, W.
2017. ISROMAC 2017 - International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Maui, HI, December 16-21, 2017
Modeling the Interaction of Piezoelectric Actuators with Elastic Structures
Kirillova, E. V.; Seemann, W.; Shevtsova, M. S.
2017. International Conference on Physics, Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, PHENMA 2016, Surabaya, Indonesia, 19th - 22th July 2016, 501–510, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-56062-5_42
Sensitivity of Computational Rotor Dynamics Towards the Empirically Estimated Lubrication Gap Clearance of Foil Air Journal Bearings
Leister, T.; Baum, C.; Seemann, W.
2016. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics (Special Issue), 16 (1), 285–286. doi:10.1002/pamm.201610131
Oil Transport in Microchannels by Means of Capillary Forces
Seemann, W., J.; Hinterkausen, M.; Dornhöfer, G.
2016. Proceedings of the 42nd Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Lyon, France, September 7-9, 2015. Ed.: B. Bou-Saïd, SAGE Publications
Computational Analysis of Foil Air Journal Bearings Using a Runtime-Efficient Segmented Foil Model
Leister, T.; Baum, C.; Seemann, W.
2016. ISROMAC 2016 - International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Honolulu, HI, April 10-15, 2016
A Pin-on-Disk Experimental Set-up for Vibrational Smoothing of Dry Friction
Kapelke, S.; Seemann, W.
2016. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 16 (1), 275–276
Approximation of quasi-periodic solutions of a rotor in two-lobe bearings with time-varying geometry
Becker, K. U.; Seemann, W.
2016. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 16 (1, SI), 263–264. doi:10.1002/pamm.201610120
Fast Solution of Transient Elastohydrodynamic Line Contact Problems Using the Trajectory Piecewise Linear Approach
Maier, D.; Hager, C.; Hetzler, H.; Fillot, N.; Vergne, P.; Dureisseix, D.; Seemann, W.
2016. Journal of tribology, 138 (1), Art. Nr.: 011502. doi:10.1115/1.4031064
Optimal elastic coupling in form of one mechanical spring to improve energy efficiency of walking bipedal robots
Bauer, F.; Römer, U.; Fidlin, A.; Seemann, W.
2016. Multibody system dynamics, 38 (3), 227–262. doi:10.1007/s11044-016-9509-8
On the dynamics of a rigid rotor with static unbalance symmetrically mounted in compliant air bearings
Baum, C.; Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.
2015. Proceedings 9th IFToMM International Conference on Rotor Dynamics, Vol. 1. Ed.: Paolo Pennacchi, 1169–1181, Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-06590-8_96
Investigation of optimal bipedal walking gaits subject to different energy-based objective functions
Römer, U.; Fidlin, A.; Seemann, W.
2015. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 15 (1), 69–70. doi:10.1002/pamm.201510025
On Vibrational Smoothing of Dry Friction and its Application to Revolute Joints
Kapelke, S.; Seemann, W.
2015. 11th International Conference on Engineering Vibration (ICoEV), Ljubljana, Slowenien, 7. - 10. September 2015
On the Effect of Contact Compliance on Vibrational Smoothing of Dry Friction
Kapelke, S.; Seemann, W.
2015. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 15, 253–254. doi:10.1002/pamm.201510117
Foil Air Bearing Rotor Interaction - Bifurcation Analysis of a Laval rotor
Baum, C.; Leister, T.; Seemann, W.
2015. Colloquium-573, Coupling and Nonlinear Interactions in Rotating Machinery (EuroMech), Lyon, France, 25. - 27. August 2015, European Mechanics Society
On the Stability of Balanced Rigid Rotors in Air Foil Bearings
Baum, C.; Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.
2015. SIRM 2015 - 11th International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machines, Magdeburg, Deutschland, 23. – 25. February 2015. Ed.: H. Ecker, Paper-ID 52 / S. 17, Institut für Mechanik
A Multiscale Study on the Wall Slip Effect in a Ceramic–Steel Contact With Nanometer-Thick Lubricant Film by a Nano-to-Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Approach
Savio, D.; Fillot, N.; Vergne, P.; Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.; Morales Espejel, G. E.
2015. Journal of tribology, 137 (3), Art. Nr.: 031502. doi:10.1115/1.4029937
Vibration analysis and robust control of highly deformable beams in a heavy pinched loop configuration
Sharma, N.; Kern, D.; Seemann, W.
2015. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 66 (1), 239–252. doi:10.1007/s00033-014-0407-8
A nonlinear model order reduction approach to the elastohydrodynamic problem
Maier, D.; Hager, C.; Hetzler, H.; Fillot, N.; Vergne, P.; Dureisseix, D.; Seemann, W.
2015. Tribology International, 82 (PB), 484–492. doi:10.1016/j.triboint.2014.02.021
Dynamics of Single-Hit Pneumatic Test Drill for Pulse-Shaping Analysis of Impacting Waves
Montonen, J.; Keskinen, E.; Cotsaftis, M.; Miettinen, J.; Seemann, W.
2014. ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE), San Diego, California, USA, November 15–21, 2013. Vol.: Volume 4B, V04BT04A076/1–7, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/IMECE2013-64835
On the Influence of High-Frequency Excitation on Systems with Dynamic Friction
Kapelke, S.; Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.
2014. PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 281–282, Wiley-VCH Verlag. doi:10.1002/pamm.201410128
Energy efficient bipedal robots walking in resonance
Bauer, F.; Fidlin, A.; Seemann, W.
2014. ZAMM, 94 (11), 968–973. doi:10.1002/zamm.201300245
On the dynamics of a rigid rotor in air bearings with linear elastic bearing housings
Baum, C.; Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.
2014. 15th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, ISROMAC 2014, 1169–1181, Springer-Verlag
Multi-scale modeling of lubricated contacts: a study on the velocity boundary condition at the wall-fluid interface
Savio, D.; Fillot, N.; Vergne, P.; Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.; Pasaribu, R.; Morales-Espejel, G.
2013. 5th World Tribology Congress, Turin, Italy, 2013. Vol.: 1, 229–231, Politecnico di Torino (DIMEAS)
A simplified elastohydrodynamic contact model capturing the nonlinear vibration behaviour
Wiegert, B.; Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.
2013. Tribology international, 59, 79–89. doi:10.1016/j.triboint.2012.02.002
A study of time harmonic guided Lamb waves and their caustics in composite plates
Karmazin, A.; Kirillova, E.; Seemann, W.; Syromyatnikov, P.
2013. Ultrasonics, 53 (1), 283–293. doi:10.1016/j.ultras.2012.06.012
Key features of flexure hinges used as rotational joints
Kern, D.; Rösner, M.; Bauma, E.; Seemann, W.; Lammering, R.; Schuster, T.
2013. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, 77 (3-4), 117–125. doi:10.1007/s10010-013-0169-z
Model order reduction on stationary and dynamical isothermal Newtonian EHD contacts
Maier, D.; Hager, C.; Hetzler, H.; Fillot, N.; Vergne, P.; Dureisseix, D.; Seemann, W.
2013. 40th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology & Tribochemistry Forum 2013 September 4-6, 2013, Lyon, France
Modellierung und Analyse von kurzen Gleitlagern mit linear-elastischen Lagerwänden
Baum, C.; Boyaci, A.; Seemann, W.
2013. SIRM 2013 - 10th International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machines, Berlin, Germany, 25. - 27. February 2013
Modeling and simulation of porous journal bearings in multibody systems. PhD dissertation
Buuren, S. van
2013. KIT Scientific Publishing. doi:10.5445/KSP/1000036099
Modelling of human motion in interaction with sports surface
Bellanger, C.; Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.
2012. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 12 (1), 249–250
Failure analysis of highly predeformed beams used as flexure hinges
Kern, D.; Rösner, M.; Seemann, W.
2012. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 12 (1), 209–210. doi:10.1002/pamm.201210095
Oscillations of a channel with a flexible wall conveying viscous flow
Bach, K.; Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.
2012. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 12 (1), 245–246. doi:10.1002/pamm.201210113
Untersuchung von nichtlinearen Schwingungen in Wälzlagern mithilfe eines für MKS-Systeme geeigneten EHD-Kontaktmodells
Wiegert, B.; Hetzler, H.; Damerau, J.; Seemann, W.
2012. 8. VDI-Fachtagung Schwingungen in Antrieben 2013 : Fulda, 5. und 6. November 2013 / VDI, Schwingungstechnik, 155–166, VDI Verlag
Control of Compliant Mechanisms with Large Deflections
Kern, D.; Bauer, J.; Seemann, W.
2012. Advances in Mechanisms Design. Proceedings of TMM 2012. Ed.: J. Beran, 193–199, Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-5125-5_26
Resonance Tracking of Continua using Self-Sensing Actuators
Kern, D.; Brack, T.; Seemann, W.
2012. Journal of dynamic systems, measurement, and control, 134 (5), 051004/1–9. doi:10.1115/1.4006224
Modeling and synthesis of human motion within the collaborative research center 588
Simonidis, C.; Stelzner, G.; Seemann, W.; Bauer, F.
2011. Procedia IUTAM, 2, 275–289. doi:10.1016/j.piutam.2011.04.025
Modelling of Lamb wave propagation in composite plate excited by surface bonded piezoelectrical actuators
Karmazin, A.; Kirillova, E.; Seemann, W.; Syromyatnikov, P.
2011. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 11, 633–634. doi:10.1002/pamm.201110306
Investigation of Lamb elastic waves in anisotropic multilayered composites applying the Green’s matrix
Karmazin, A.; Kirillova, E.; Seemann, W.; Syromyatnikov, P.
2011. Ultrasonics, 51 (1), 17–28. doi:10.1016/j.ultras.2010.05.003
Support-Condition Analyses of Rotating Beams under Distributed Imbalance Loading
Jokinen, K.; Jorkama, M.; Keskinen, E.; Seemann, W.
2011. ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), Denver, CO; United States; 11 - 17 November 2011. Vol.: 7, 325–334, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
On the parametric excitation of rotors with rolling element bearings
Fritz, F.; Seemann, W.; Krousgrill, C. M.
2011. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 11, 311–312. doi:10.1002/pamm.201110147
Optimierungsprinzipien in der Bewegungskontrolle
Stein, T.; Simonidis, C.; Seemann, W.; Schwameder, H.
2011. Sportinformatik trifft Sporttechnologie : 8. Symposium der dvs-Sektion Sportinformatik in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Interdisziplinären Vereinigung für Sporttechnologie, Darmstadt, 15.- 17. September 2010. Hrsg.: D. Link, 96–100, Feldhaus
Analytical investigations on vertical dynamics and tire forces of road vehicles with nonlinear suspensions
Vogt, H.; Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.
2011. Proceedings of the 7th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC 2011), Rome, Italy, July 24-29, 2011. Ed.: D. Bernardini, 2 S., Sapienza Università di Roma
On the influence of design parameters and nonlinearities in vehicle suspensions on road deformation
Vogt, H.; Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.
2011. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 11 (1), 343–344. doi:10.1002/pamm.201110163
Jumping and hopping motion on sports surfaces - Energetic aspects vs. risk of injury
Körner, C.; Seemann, W.
2011. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 11 (1), 325–326. doi:10.1002/pamm.201110154
Nonlinear vibrational behaviour of an elasto-pneumatic training tool
Körner, C.; Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.
2011. Vibration Problems ICOVP 2011: The 10th International Conference on Vibration Problems. Ed.: J. Naprstek, 673–680, Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-2069-5_90
On stability and self-excited vibrations in fluid-structure-interaction
Bach, K.; Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.
2011. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 11 (1), 309–310. doi:10.1002/pamm.201110146
Analysis of a Compliant Mechanism for Positioning in the cm-Range
Kern, D.; Seemann, W.
2011. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 11 (1), 235–236. doi:10.1002/pamm.201110109
Dynamic stability of a steady flow in a planar channel
Bach, K.; Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.
2011. Vibration Problems ICOVP 2011: The 10th International Conference on Vibration Problems. Ed.: J. Naprstek, 773–778, Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-2069-5_104
Zum Stabilitäts- und Bifurkationsverhalten hochtouriger Rotoren in Gleitlagern. PhD dissertation
Boyaci, A.
2011. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000025464
Stability and Bifurcations of Rotors in Fluid Film Bearings
Boyaci, A.; Seemann, W.; Proppe, C.
2010. PAMM, 10 (1), 235–236. doi:10.1002/pamm.201010110
Run-up of turbocharger rotors in nonlinearly modelled floating bush bearings
Knoll, G.; Seemann, W.; Proppe, C.; Koch, R.; Backckhaus, K.; Boyaci, A.
2010. MTZ worldwide, 71 (4), 50–55. doi:10.1007/BF03227992
Hochlauf von Turboladerrotoren in Nichtlinear Modellierten Schwimmbuchsenlagern
Knoll, G.; Seemann, W.; Proppe, C.; Koch, R.; Backhaus, K.; Boyaci, A.
2010. MTZ - Motortechnische Zeitschrift, 71 (4), 280–285. doi:10.1007/BF03225566
Trajektoriengenerierung mit Hilfe von Optimierungsmodellen
Stein, T.; Simonidis, C.; Fischer, A.; Bauer, F.; Seemann, W.; Schwameder, H.
2010. Biomechanik – Grundlagenforschung und Anwendung : Symposium der dvs-Sektion Biomechanik vom 3.-4. April 2009, Tübingen. Hrsg.: V. Wank, 257–264, Feldhaus Edition Czwalina
Modelling of 3D Steady-State Oscillations of Anisotropic Multilayered Structures Applying the Green’s Functions
Karmazin, A.; Kirillova, E.; Seemann, W.; Syromyatnikov, P.
2010. Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 3 (9), 425–450
Improving the inverse kinematics reconstruction of human movement from motion capture data
Simonids, C.; Seemann, W.
2010. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 10 (1), 93–94. doi:10.1002/pamm.201010039
Using wobbling masses and optimization to compensate for residuals in highly dynamic movements
Simonids, C.; Seemann, W.
2010. IMSD, 1st Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics, Lappeenranta, Finland, May 25-27, 2010, 1–8, Lappeenranta University of Technology
Modelling the interaction between athlete and sports surfaces
Körner, C.; Seemann, W.
2010. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 10, 77–78. doi:10.1002/pamm.201010031
Methods for Computing 3D Steady-State Vibrations of Composites using Green’s Functions
Karmazin, A.; Kirillova, E.; Seemann, W.; Syromyatnikov, P.
2010. ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE 2010), Vancouver, CDN, November 12–18, 2010. Vol. 9, 301–310, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/IMECE2010-40321
Analysis of Spatial Steady-State Vibrations of a Layered Anisotropic Plate Using the Green’s Function
Karmazin, A.; Kirillova, E.; Seemann, W.; Syromyatnikov, P.
2010. ASME 2010 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis (ESDA2010), Istanbul, TR, July 12-14, 2010. Vol. 2, 403–410, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/ESDA2010-25430
On the Solution of Crack Identification Problems in Composite Materials
Karmazin, A.; Kirillova, E.; Seemann, W.; Syromyatnikov, P.
2010. 2nd International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace 2010 (AeroNDT 2010), Hamburg, 22.-24. November 2010, We.2.B.3
Investigation of Dispersion Characteristics of Composites
Karmazin, A.; Kirillova, E.; Seemann, W.; Syromyatnikov, P.
2010. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 10, 503–504
Wavebased Micromotor for Plane Motions (3-DoF)
Jehle, G.; Kern, D.; Seemann, W.
2010. COMSOL Conference, Paris, F, April 30, 2010
Bifurcations of rotors supported by plain hydrodynamic bearings
Boyaci, A.; Seemann, W.; Proppe, C.
2010. 13th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery 2010 (ISROMAC-13), Honolulu, HI, April 4-7, 2010, 430–438, Curran
Do Non-linearities Enhance Stability of Bipedal Locomotion?
Bauer, F.; Hetzler, H.; Pagel, A.; Seemann, W.
2010. Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots. 2nd International Conference on Simulation, Modeling and Programming for Autonomous Robots, Darmstadt, 15.-18. November 2010. Hrsg.: N. Ando, 104–112, Springer-Verlag
MKD-Tools: Ein Mehrkörperalgorithmus zur Analyse und Synthese menschlicher Bewegungen
Simonidis, C.; Stein, T.; Fischer, A.; Bauer, F.; Schwameder, H.; Seemann, W.
2010. Biomechanik - Grundlagenforschung und Anwendung : Symposium der dvs-Sektion Biomechanik, 3. - 4. April 2009, Tübingen. Hrsg.: V. Wank, 102–110, Feldhaus
Trajektoriengenerierung mit Hilfe von Optimierungsansätzen
Stein, T.; Simonidis, C.; Fischer, A.; Seemann, W.; Schwameder, H.
2010. Biomechanik - Grundlagenforschung und Anwendung: Symposium der dvs-Sektion Biomechanik, Tübingen, 3.-4. April 2009. Hrsg.: V. Wank, 257–264, Feldhaus
Optimierungsprinzipien in der Bewegungskontrolle. [TK]
Stein, T.; Simonidis, C.; Seemann, W.; Schwameder, H.
2010. Sportinformatik trifft Sporttechnologie : Abstractband zur Tagung der dvs-Sektion Sportinformatik und der deutschen interdisziplinären Vereinigung für Sporttechnologie, Darmstadt, 15.-17. September 2010. Hrsg.: J. Wiemeyer, 61–63, TK
Tracking of Mechanical System Parameters by Phase-Locked Loops (PLL)
Kern, D.; Seemann, W.
2010. Conference proceedings / Actuator 10: 12th International Conference on New Actuators & 6th International Exhibition on Smart Actuators and Drive Systems, Bremen, Germany, June 14-16, 2010. Ed.: H. Borgmann, 570–573, Messe Bremen
Dynamiksteigerung adaptronische Strebe zur Kompensation geometrischer Maschinenfehler
Munzinger, C.; Weis, M.; Seemann, W.; Rudolf, C.; Kern, D.
2010. Adaptronik für Werkzeugmaschinen - Forschung in Deutschland. Hrsg.: J. Hesselbach, 19–45, Shaker Verlag
Guided Wave Generation and Sensing in an Elastic Beam Using MFC Piezoelectric Elements: Theory and Experiment
Glushkov, E.; Glushkova, N.; Kvasha, O. V.; Kern, D.; Seemann, W.
2010. Journal of intelligent material systems and structures, 21 (16), 1617–1625. doi:10.1177/1045389X10385486
On the Nonlinear Vibration Behavior of Elastohydrodynamic Contacts
Wiegert, B.; Deppler, J.; Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.
2010. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 10 (1), 269–270. doi:10.1002/pamm.201010127
Stability of a steady flow guided by flexible walls
Bach, K.; Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.
2010. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 10 (1), 353–354. doi:10.1002/pamm.201010169
On Dynamic Aspects and Pattern Generation in Vehicle-Road Interaction
Vogt, H.; Seemann, W.
2010. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 10 (1), 267–268. doi:10.1002/pamm.201010126
Quantitative Modelle der Bewegungskoordination
Stein, T.; Simonidis, C.; Seemann, W.; Schwameder, H.
2010. Bewegung und Leistung - Sport, Gesundheit & Alter. 8. Gemeinsames Symposium der dvs-Seltionen Biomechanik, Sportmotorik und Trainingswissenschaft, Hamburg, 02.-04. September 2010. Hrsg.: K. Mattes, 33/1–1, Feldhaus
A computational model of human movement coordination
Stein, T.; Simonidis, C.; Seemann, W.; Schwameder, H.
2010. KI 2010: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual German Conference on AI, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 21-24, 2010. Ed.: R. Dillmann, 23–32, Springer-Verlag
Generation of Human-like Motion for Humanoid Robots Based on Marker-based Motion Capture Data
Gärtner, S.; Do, M.; Asfour, T.; Dillmann, R.; Simonidis, C.; Seemann, W.
2010. ISR/ROBOTIK 2010 : Proceedings for the joint conference of ISR 2010 (41st International Symposium on Robotics) und ROBOTIK 2010 (6th German Conference on Robotics); 7-9 June 2010, Munich, Germany., 919–926, VDE Verlag
Dynamik und Kontaktvorgänge bei einem hybriden piezoelektrischen Schwingungsmotor. PhD dissertation
Weerayuth, N.
2010. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000016820
Komputationale Modelle für die Bewegungsplanung
Stein, T.; Simonidis, C.; Fischer, A.; Seemann, W.; Schwameder, H.
2009. Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in der Sportmotorik : Tagung der dsv-Sektion vom 22.-24. Januar 2009 in Darmstadt. Hrsg.: S. D. Baumgärtner, 107–109
Improving marker based inverse kinematics solutions for under-determined spinal models
Simonidis, C.; Seemann, W.
2009. Computational Kinematics : Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Computational Kinematics. Ed.: A. Kecskeméthy, 265–272, Springer-Verlag
Thermo-mechanical behaviour of X-ray masks in micro system technology
Körner, C.; Seemann, W.
2009. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 9 (1), 371–372
Combination of Heuristic and Model Based Diagnostic Methods Applied to Car Diagnosis
Gigon, F.; Azarian, A.; Siadiat, A.; Seemann, W.
2009. 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, INCOM’09, Moscow, Russian Federation, 3rd - 5th June 2009, 1784–1789, Curran
Zur Stabilität eines in Gleitlagern laufenden elastischen Rotors
Boyaci, A.; Steinhilber, G.; Seemann, W.; Proppe, C.
2009. Proceedings SIRM, Achte Internationale Tagung Schwingungen in Rotierenden Maschinen : 23. - 25. Februar 2009, Wien, Österreich. Hrsg.: H. Springer, 1–12, Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien)
Bifurcation Analysis of a Turbocharger Rotor Supported by Floating Ring Bearing
Boyaci, A.; Seemann, W.; Proppe, C.
2009. IUTAM Symposium on Emerging Trends in Rotor Dynamics : Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Emerging Trends in Rotor Dynamics, held in New Delhi, India, March 23 - March 26, 2009. Ed.: K. Gupta, 335–347, Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-0020-8
Hochlaufsimulation. Mehrkörpersimulation des Hochlaufverhaltens von ATL-Rotoren mit nichtlinear modellierten Schwimmbuchsenlagern. Abschlussbericht über das Vorhaben Nr. 912 (AIF-Nr. 14875 N/1)
Backhaus, K.; Boyaci, A.; Knoll, G.; Koch, R.; Proppe, C.; Seemann, W.
2009. Forschungsvereinigung Verbrennungskraftmaschinen e.V. (FVV)
Tracking of Resonance Frequencies of Vibrating Beams by Phase-Locked Loops (PLL)
Seemann, W.
2009. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Vibrations of Continuous Systems, Zakopane, PL, July 19-24, 2009. Ed.: S. M. Dickinson, 57–59
Determining the principles of human motion by combining motion analysis and motion synthesis
Simonidis, C.; Stein, T.; Bauer, F.; Fischer, A.; Schwameder, H.; Seemann, W.
2009. 9th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2009), Paris, France, December 7–10, 2009
Trajektoriengenerierung mit Hilfe von Optimierungsansätzen
Stein, T.; Simonidis, C.; Fischer, A.; Seemann, W.; Schwameder, H.
2009. Biomechanik – Grundlagenforschung und Anwendung, Abstractband, Tübingen, 3.-4. April 2009. Hrsg.: V. Wank, 103–105, Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
The Coordination of Multi-Joint Pointing Movements in 3D-Space
Stein, T.; Fischer, A.; Simonidis, C.; Bauer, F.; Seemann, W.; Schwameder, H.
2009. 14th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, ECSS, Oslo, June 24-27 2009 . Ed.: S. Loland, 372
Solving optimal control problems with recursive multibody systems and motion capture to understand the principles of human motion
Simonidis, C.; Stein, T.; Bauer, F.; Fischer, A.; Schwameder, H.; Seemann, W.
2009. XII International Symposium on Computer Simulation in Biomechanics. Cape Town, South Africa, July 2nd - 4th 2009, 47–48
MKD-Tools: Ein Mehrkörperalgorithmus zur Analyse und Synthese menschlicher Bewegungen
Simonidis, C.; Stein, T.; Fischer, A.; Bauer, F.; Schwameder, H.; Seemann, W.
2009. Biomechanik – Grundlagenforschung und Anwendung, Abstractband, Tübingen, 3.-4. April 2009. Hrsg.: V. Wank, 42–44, Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Determining the principles of human motion by combining motion analysis and motion synthesis
Simonidis, C.; Stein, T.; Bauer, F.; Fischer, A.; Schwameder, H.; Seemann, W.
2009. Humanoids 2009 : 9th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots ; Paris, France, 7 - 10 December 2009. Ed.: IEEE, 317–322, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Simulation of High-Speed Ball Bearings with MSC/ADAMS
Fritz, F.; Basler, A.; Seemann, W.
2009. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 9 (1), 115–116
Numerical modelling and analysis of high frequency dynamic contact in the hybrid transducer type ultrasonic motor
Weerayuth, N.; Seemann, W.
2009. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 9 (1), 283–284
Nonlinear stability analysis of rotor-bearing systems
Boyaci, A.; Seemann, W.; Proppe, C.
2009. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 9 (1), 279–280
On the modelling of vehicle-road interaction
Vogt, H.; Seemann, W.
2009. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 9 (1), 277–278
Experimental Feasibility Study for Guided Wave Propagation
Kern, D.; Seemann, W.
2009. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 9 (1), 501–502
Modellierung von Rollenlagern als Element einer Mehrkörperdynamiksimulation
Fritz, F.; Seemann, W.; Hinterkausen, M.
2009. Tagungsbeiträge / Achte Internationale Tagung Schwingungen in Rotierenden Maschinen, Wien, Österreich, 23. - 25. Februar 2009; 1 CD-ROM. Hrsg.: H. Springer, ID-7, Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien)
Analytical bifurcation analysis of a rotor supported by floating ring bearings
Boyaci, A.; Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.; Proppe, C.; Wauer, J.
2009. Nonlinear dynamics, 57 (4), 497–507
MkdTools - human models with Matlab
Simonidis, C.; Seemann, W.
2008. Proceedings 10th Meeting of the Technical Group on 3D-Analysis of Human Movement of the International Society of Biomechanics
Modelling and Reconstruction of Spinal Motion
Simonidis, C.; Seemann, W.
2008. Proceedings 10th Meeting of the Technical Group on 3D-Analysis of Human Movement of the International Society of Biomechanics, Santpoort-Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2008
Recursive Control of a 7 dof Robotic Arm
Simonidis, C.; Seemann, W.
2008. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, (8), 10919–10920. doi:10.1002/pamm.200810919
A Method on Modelling Coupled Shoulder Kinematics
Simonidis, C.; Seemann, W.
2008. Proceedings of the 7th International Shoulder Group Meeting, Bologna, Italy
Dynamic Analysis of Elastic Cylinders in Rolling Contact
Keskinen, E.; Töhönen, M.; Seemann, W.; Dienerowitz, F.
2008. Symposium of Advances in Contact Mechanics: a tribute to Prof. J. J. Kalker, Delft, The Netherlands, 2008
Resonance excitation and mode selection in smart structures with piezoelectric patch actuators
Glushkov, E. V.; Glushkova, N. V.; Kvasha, O.; Seemann, W.
2008. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 8 (1), 10681–10682. doi:10.1002/pamm.200810681
Analytical bifurcation analysis of a rotor supported by floating ring bearings
Boyaci, A.; Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.; Proppe, C.; Wauer, J.
2008. Proceedings Twelfth Conference on Nonlinear Vibrations, Dynamics, and Multibody Systems. Blacksburg, USA, June 1-5, 2008
Constitutive modelling of rate-dependent domain switching effects in ferrroelectric and ferroelastic materials
Arockiarajan, A.; Menzel, A.; Seemann, W.
2008. Journal of electroceramics, 20 (3-4), 159–165. doi:10.1007/s10832-007-9128-0
Koordination zielgerichteter menschlicher Bewegungen. Abstract
Stein, T.; Fischer, A.; Simonidis, C.; Seemann, W.; Schwameder, H.
2008. Abstractband zum Landessymposium der baden-württembergischen Institute für Sport und Sportwissenschaft, Karlsruhe, 01. Januar 2008, Karlsruhe. Hrsg.: H. Schwameder, 36, Eigenverl
Zum Einfluss von Fahrzeugparametern auf die Schädigung von Straßen
Vogt, H.; Seemann, W.
2008. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 8 (1), 10387–10388
Dynamiksteigerung adaptronische Strebe zur Kompensation geometrischer Maschinenfehler
Fleischer, J.; Munzinger, C.; Weis, M.; Seemann, W.; Rudolf, C.
2008. Bericht zum 3. Berichtskolloquium des DFG SPP 1156 Adaptronik für Werkzeugmaschinen, 35–56
Dynamic response analysis of the two stators hybrid transducer type piezoelectric ultrasonic motor using finite element simulation
Weerayuth, N.; Seemann, W.
2008. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 8 (1), 10393 – 10394
Resonant Excitation of a Composite Beam
Rudolf, C.; Seemann, W.
2008. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 8 (1), 10909–10910
Resonant Excitation of a Composite Beam Using Piezoelectric MFC Actuators
Rudolf, C.; Seemann, W.
2008. Actuator 2008 : Interaktive Proceedings 11th International Conference on New Actuators, 9-11 June 2008, Bremen Germany. Hrsg.: H. Borgmann, 915–918, Messe Bremen
Friction induced flutter instability – on modeling and simulation of brake-squeal
Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.
2008. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 8 (1), 10369–10370
Simulation reibungsbehafteter Stoßkontakte beim Tischfußball mit MSC/ADAMS
Fritz, F.; Friedrich, C.-C.; Seemann, W.
2008. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 8 (1), 10113–10114
Integral equation based modeling of the interaction between piezoelectric patch actuators and an elastic substrate
Glushkov, E.; Glushkova, N.; Kvasha, O.; Seemann, W.
2007. Smart Materials and Structures, 16 (3), 650–664. doi:10.1088/0964-1726/16/3/012
Friction Induced Vibrations: Oscillatory Instability with Dissipative and Gyroscopic Influences : On Modelling and Simulation of Brake-Squeal
Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.
2007. Nichtlineare Schwingungen - Reibung und Kontaktmechanik : Tagung Kassel, 13. und 14. November 2007, 179–194, VDI Verlag
A Kinematic Study of Human Torso Motion
Simonidis, C.; Stelzner, G.; Seemann, W.
2007. ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference September 4–7, 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Vol. 8: 31st Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, 773–780, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Proposing a Pretwisted Bending Actuator
Dienerowitz, F.; Seemann, W.
2007. III ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, Gdansk, Poland, 9-11 July, 2007. Ed.: W. Ostachowicz
Micromechanical Modeling of Switching Effects in Piezoelectric Materials - A Robust Coupled Finite Element Approach
Arockiarajan, A.; Menzel, A.; Delibas, B.; Seemann, W.
2007. Journal of intelligent material systems and structures, 18 (9), 983–999. doi:10.1177/1045389X06074117
Adaptronische biegesteife Strebe
Munzinger, C.; Herder, S.; Weis, M.; Wauer, J.; Seemann, W.; Rudolf, C.
2007. Werkstattstechnik online (wt), 97 (11-12), 908–912
Steady-state stability and bifurcations of friction oscillators due to velocity dependent friction characteristics
Hetzler, H.; Schwarzer, D.; Seemann, W.
2007. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers / K, 221 (3), 401–412
Analysis of the Stator/Rotor-Contact in a two Stators hybrid Transducer type Ultrasonic Motor
Weerayuth, N.; Seemann, W.
2007. PAMM - Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 7 (1), 4050017–4050018
The modeling of piezoelectrically excited waves in beams and layered substructures
Seemann, W.; Ekhlakov, A.; Glushkov, E.; Glushkova, N.; Kvasha, O.
2007. Journal of sound and vibration, 301 (3-5), 1007–1022. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2006.10.037
On the dynamics of nonlinear rotor-floating ring bearing systems
Boyaci, A.; Seemann, W.; Proppe, C.
2007. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 7 (1), 4050005–4050006
Analytical investigation of steady-state stability and Hopf-bifurcations occurring in sliding friction oscillators with application to low-frequency disc brake noise
Hetzler, H.; Schwarzer, D.; Seemann, W.
2007. Communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation, 12 (1), 83–99
A Dynamical Model for the Plane Contact with Rigid Contact Areas
Keppler, R.; Seemann, W.
2006. IUTAM Symposium on multiscale problems in multibody system contacts: proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium Stuttgart, Germany, February 20-23, 2006, 75–84, Springer Netherlands
A reduction algorithm for open-loop rigid-body systems with revolute joints
Kepper, R.; Seemann, W.
2006. Multibody system dynamics, 15 (3), 201–211. doi:10.1007/s11044-005-9005-z
Proposing a Pretwisted Bimorph Actuator
Dienerowitz, F.; Gaus, N.; Seemann, W.
2006. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, Daejeon, Korea, August 27 -30, 2006., 294–299, Genicom
Rate dependent properties of perovskite type tetragonal piezoelectric materials using micromechanical model
Delibas, B.; Arockiarajan, A.; Seemann, W.
2006. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 43 (3-4), 697–712
A method for matching the eigenfrequencies of longitudinal and torsional vibrations in a hybrid piezoelectric motor
Yi, Y.; Seemann, W.; Gausmann, R.; Zhong, J.
2006. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 295 (3-5), 856–869
Research at ITM on Vehicle Dynamics
Wauer, J.; Hetzler, H.; Proppe, C.; Schweizer, B.; Seemann, W.; Wetzel, C.
2006. Jubiläumskonferenz "15 Jahre FDIBA", November 2006, Sofia, Bulgarien [Proceedings], 205–210
Kinematik und Dynamik aus experimentell ermittelten Bewegungen
Stelzner, G.; Seemann, W.
2006. PAMM - Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 6 (1), 141–142
Bifurcation Behavior of a 1DOF Sliding Friction Oscillator
Schwarzer, D.; Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.
2006. PAMM - Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 6 (1), 331–332
Constitutive Modelling of Rate-dependent Domain Switching Effects in Ferroelectrical Materials
Menzel, A.; Arockiarajan, A.; Seemann, W.
2006. IWPMA 2006 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators, 18-21 June 2006, Eskisehir, Turkey
Friction Modes in Low Frequency disc-brake noise - experimental results and implications on modelling
Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.
2006. PAMM - Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 6 (1), 307–308
Friction Induced Brake Vibrations at Low Speeds – Experiments, State-Space Reconstruction and Implications on Modelling
Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.
2006. Proceedings of 2006 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, 1 CD-Rom, IMECE2006–14034, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Elastic Wave Excitation in a Layer by Piezoceramic Patch Actuators
Glushkov, E. V.; Glushkova, N. V.; Seemann, W.; Kvasha, O. V.
2006. Acoustical physics, 52 (4), 398–407
Proposing a Pretwisted Bimorph Actuator
Dienerowitz, F.; Gaus, N.; Seemann, W.
2006. PAMM - Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 6 (1), 433–434
Proposing a Pretwisted Bending Actuator
Dienerowitz, F.; Gaus, N.; Seemann, W.
2006. Proceedings of 2006 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 5–10, 2006 Chicago, Illinois, USA., 57–62, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/IMECE2006-13281
Computational modeling of rate-dependent domain switching in piezoelectric materials
Arockiarajana, A.; Menzel, A.; Delibasa B.; Seemann, W.
2006. European Journal of Mechanics / A: Solids, 25 (6), 950–964
Studies on rate-dependent switching effects of piezoelectric materials using a finite element model
Arockiarajan, A.; Delibas, B.; Menzel, A.; Seemann, W.
2006. Computational Materials Science, 37 (3), 306–317
Selective mode excitation in elastic waveguides by piezoceramic actuators
Glushkov, E. V.; Glushkova, N. V.; Kvasha, O. V.; Seemann, W.
2006. AIP conference proceedings, 834 (1), 152–159
A nonlinear model of piezoelectric polycrystalline ceramics under quasi-static electromechanical loading
Delibas, B.; Arockiarajan, A.; Seemann, W.
2005. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 16 (8), 507–515. doi:10.1007/s10854-005-2725-2
Finite Element Modeling of Piezoelectric Materials Under Electromechanical Loading
Arockiarajan, A.; Delibas, B.; Menzel, A.; Seemann, W.
2005. 46th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, 1339–1351, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi:10.2514/6.2005-1909
Development and analysis of a longitudinal and torsional type ultrasonic motor with two stators
Yi, Y.; Gausmann, R.; Seemann, W.; Zhong, J.
2005. Ultrasonics, 43 (8), 629–634
A Note on a Longitudinal and Torsional Type of Ultrasonic Motor with two Stators
Yi, Y.; Gausmann, R.; Seemann, W.; Zhong, J.
2005. PAMM - Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 5 (1), 147–148
A model for frequency dependent characteristics of piezoceramic materials
Seemann, W.; Delibas, B.; Abockiarajan, A.
2005. Proceedings of SPIE, 5761, 287
Analytical Investigation of Hopf Bifurcations Occurring in a 1DOF Sliding-Friction Oscillator with Application to Disc-Brake Vibrations
Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.; Schwarzer, D.
2005. Proceedings of IDETC/CIE 2005, ASME 2005 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, September 24-28, 2005, Long Beach, California, USA, 907–915
Intergranular Effects on Domain Switchings in Polycrystalline Piezoceramics
Delibas, B.; Arockiarajan, A.; Seemann, W.
2005. Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators. Ed.: J. Wallaschek, 91–98
Dynamische Simulation von Fahrzeugen auf Schlechtwegstrecken zur Ermittlung der Schwingbelastung an karosseriefesten Komponenten = Dynamic simulation of vehicles on uneven roads to determine vibrational load on car body-fixed components
Benz, R.; Schlesak, G.; Walz, P.; Preschany, G.; Seemann, W.; Wauer, J.
2005. Erprobung und Simulation in der Fahrzeugentwicklung – Mess- und Versuchstechnik –, 327–342, VDI Verlag
A finite element modelling of piezoelectric materials with a superimposed stress
Arockiarajan, A.; Delibas, B.; Menzel, A.; Seemann, W.
2005. PAMM - Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 5 (1), 285–286
Studies on Nonlinear Electromechanical Behavior of Piezoelectric Materials Using Finite Element Modeling
Arockiarajan, A.; Delibas, B.; Menzel, A.; Seemann, W.
2005. Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators. Ed.: J. Wallaschek, 81–90
Relaxation model of piezoelectric materials
Delibas, B.; Arockiarajan, A.; Seemann, W.
2005. PAMM - Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 5 (1), 293–294
On low frequency disc-brake vibrations
Hetzler, H.; Seemann, W.
2005. PAMM - Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 5 (1), 95–96
Ein Reduktionsalgorithmus für die Bewegungsgleichungen von Mehrkörpersystemen
Keppler, R.; Barthels, P.; Seemann, W.
2005. PAMM - Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 5 (1), 203–204
Correction of Motion Capture Data with Respect to Kinematic Data Consistency for Inverse Dynamic Analysis
Seemann, W.; Stelzner, G.; Simonidis, C.
2005. Proceedings of IDETC/CIE 2005, ASME 2005 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, held in Long Beach, CA from September 24 - 28, 2005, 187–194
Nonlinear Simulation of Piezoceramic Materials by Micromechanical Approach with Probability Function
Arockiarajan, A.; Delibas, B.; Seemann, W.; Menzel, A.
2004. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Modeling and Simulation of Materials III - Part A : Acireale, Sicily, Italy, May 30 - June 4, 2004. Ed.: P. Vincenzini, 787–788, Techna Group
Study the Behavior of Piezoelectric Materials under Electromechanical Loading
Arockiarajan, A.; Delibas, B.; Menzel, A.; Seemann, W.
2004. Proceedings ICTACEM 2004, Third International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics, December 28-30, 2004, held at IT Kharagpur, 143–145
Vibrating cylinder in a cylindrical duct filled with an incompressible fluid of low viscosity
Wauer, J.; Seemann, W.
1995. Acta mechanica, Acta mechanica 113 (1995) S. 93-107., 113, 93–107
Wave Propagation in Rotating Solid or Hollow Cylinders
Seemann, W.; Wauer, J.
1994. Wave Process in Machinery and Structures : Proceedings of the Euromech-Colloquium 295, Nizhny Novgorod, Russland. Ed.: A.I. Vesnitsky and V.I. Erofeyev, 162–179
Finite Oscillatory Motion of a Body Immersed in an Inviscid Fluid at Rest
Wauer, J.; Seemann, W.
1994. Proceedings of the 1994 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition; Chicago, IL, USA; ; 6 November 1994 through 11 November 1994., In: Nonlinear and stochastic dynamics. Ed.: A.K. Bajaj. New York 1994. S. 135-142. (AMD. 192.), 135–141, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Fluid-Structural Coupling of Vibrating Bodies in Contact with a Fluid
Wauer, J.; Seemann, W.
1993. Proceedings 3rd Polish-German Workshop on Dynamical Problems in Mechanical Systems, Warschau, 1993., In: Proceedings. 3rd Polish-German Workshop on Dynamical Problems in Mechanical Systems, Wierzba 1993. Ed.: R. Bogacz. 1994. S. 31-42., 31–42
Wave propagation in rotating cylinders
Seemann, W.
1992. 4th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Honolulu., 663–672
Untersuchung der Wellenausbreitung in Voll- oder Hohlzylindern mit Hilfe eines verallgemeinerten Potenzreihenansatzes
Seemann, W.
1992. ZAMM, Z. f. angew. Math. u. Mech 72 (1992) S. T 47 - T 48., 72 (4), T47-T50
Demo-Programme zur Technischen Mechanik und Getriebelehre
Seemann, W.
1991. Computer, Software und Vernetzung für die Lehre. Hrsg.: K. Dette, 620–629, Springer
Der Einfluss der inneren Daempfung auf die Stabilitaet der radialen und tangentialen Schwingungen einer rotierenden Scheibe
Seemann, W.
1991. Schwingungen in Rotierenden Maschinen. Hrsg.: H. Irretier, In: Schwingungen in rotierenden Maschinen. Hrsg.: H. Irretier. Braunschweig 1991. S. 184-193., 184 – 193, Vieweg Verlag
The Influence of the Rotational Speed on the Transverse Vibrations of Rotating Discs
Seemann, W.
1990. Rotating machinery – Dynamics. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery (ISROMAC-3), Honolulu, HI, 1990. Ed.: J.H. Kim, 79 – 94
Eigenfrequenzen rotierender Scheiben unter Beruecksichtigung der Grundverformung
Seemann, W.; Wauer, J.
1989. ZAMM, Z. f. angew. Math. u. Mech. 69 (1989) S. T339 - T341., 69 (5), T339-T341
Vibration of High Speed Disk Rotors
Seemann, W.; Wauer, J.
1988. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Dynamics and Design of Rotating Machinery, Honolulu, 1988. Ed.: J. H. Kim, 35–50, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation
On critical speeds of rotating discs
Seemann, W.; Wauer, J.
1988. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery, Edinburgh, 185 – 192
GTR – ein Programm zur Behandlung beliebiger Gelenkvierecke
Seemann, W.; Wedig, W.
1988. CAK - Computer Anwendungen Universität Karlsruhe, 30 – 36